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HD DVD Gets Dolled Up
December 21, 2007
The HD DVD Promotion Group has spruced up its Web site, delivering more video clips of hot titles and introducing something called the HD DVD Simulator. Everything does seem more dynamic than the previous Look and Sound of Perfect site, which to me, sometimes felt a little too press release-y or rah-rah to totally be taken seriously by anyone outside of the fanboy crowd. As its install base remains well behind the PS3-powered Blu-ray base, HD DVD needs to really reach out to the regular folks more than ever before. With the HD DVD simulator, the Promotion Group doesn't assume you know what high-definition is, which is probably a good thing when there are people like my parents who still, despite my pleading, haven't gotten around to signing up for high-def TV service for their new flat screen. To help people understand the wow-ness that is high-def, the simulator offers several imagery selections that emphasize the 3-D appeal of this technology. There's spooky zombie hands that reach out from all directions to crush a bloody heart. Bouncy balls grow to become planets rotating around the universe. Basically, big expansive stuff to get your attention. I don't have a high-def monitor at work, and the simulator still seemed to make the images high-def-esque. Also, for this totally dead Friday before the Christmas break, the simulator helped me use up a few minutes or two of time. Sweet!
Posted by Susanne Ault on December 21, 2007 | Comments (0)