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Pay Your Respects to HD DVD
February 21, 2008
Tech channel G4 threw a funeral for HD DVD this week, albeit one that is not entirely an earnest good-bye. But apart from the sarcasm (which is really funny!) the channel illustrates the fact that there has to be some sad folks out there. One million people have HD DVD hardware devices that eventually will have fewer and fewer high-def titles available to them.
I think the G4 guys could have ended on a happier note, however, by noting that at the least, HD DVD set-top owners have perfectly acceptable upconverting DVD players. It'll be interesting to see what are in fact the last HD DVD titles released. Warner has them blocked out through May, but who knows if Toshiba's final HD DVD will wind up curtailing that slate. New-to-Blu Paramount seems to have put up There Will Be Blood for release on HD DVD in April - they haven't really fully explained when they'll officially street the other way. Same too with Universal. We know they're on the Blu bus, but starting with which release? Still not formally announced Atonement? Don't you sometimes wish we could just have a funeral for studio vagueness?
Posted by Susanne Ault on February 21, 2008 | Comments (2)