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Toshiba Players: Get 'Em While They're Hot
February 20, 2008
Kidding, folks! I don't think anyone can say HD DVD is a hot product, no matter what the incentives to buy may be. But there already are some deals to be had on Toshiba players, in light of the company saying they will soon be stopping new production. has Toshiba's HD A3 listed for $99, representing another $50 off the already knocked-down price of $149.
Circuit City had a similar deal going on Wednesday.
Shortly following Warner's blow to HD DVD, Toshiba slashed prices by $50 to $100 to try to boost sales. But now it seems that Toshiba is trying to really, really squeeze whatever remaining business there is in this format. HD DVD might have been dying before, but Toshiba formally killed it off on Tuesday.
So, here is your $99 HD DVD player, people! Remember how you fought tooth and nail to try to get one of these puppies at Wal-Mart or Best Buy in November? And that was for the earlier entry-level second-generation model!
Toshiba's Jodi Sally didn't comment on pricing reductions, but she said the company is working now with retailers. Some store sources are saying that Toshiba is offering certain post-war concessions to retailers, including pricing credits to reduce players for quick inventory close-out. Call me crazy, but $99 for the Toshiba HD A3 isn't so bad a deal. If you don't already have an upconverting player, this is now a reasonably priced one. But I can see a lot of people passing, and deciding to rather invest their $99 into a $399 PS3 or BD set-top.
Posted by Susanne Ault on February 20, 2008 | Comments (1)