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HD DVD: Show Some Skin To Win
January 31, 2008

According to a reporter for VB sister publication Twice, the porn industry might be able to save HD DVD. The format is in severe underdog status, as it recently lost major studio support in Warner and lags Blu-ray in hardware and software sales. 
Yet at the moment, there are more porn titles on HD DVD than Blu-ray, according to Twice. For example, Vivid has four HD DVD titles, and two BD titles. Hustler has three HD DVD and one BD. It's unclear exact reasons for HD DVD's allure over the other guy, but I'll venture it might have something to do with relatively cheaper authoring costs. 
Twice draws comparisons to the early days of VHS, in which porn has been thanked for catapulting the format into use. The argument goes that if enough people choose HD DVD for some X-rated fun, then that could possibly roll over into excitement for mainstream HD DVD films. As for me, I'm skeptical about any high-def format taking off with porn, as nowadays so many people seem to be enjoying it online. I have all the spam blockers in the world, but I don't go a day without getting some teasing email to check out this, that or the other sexy video. Just today's MySpace profiles are sometimes enough to make you blush. But HD DVD backers have to be open to any suggestion on how to score some more fans.

Posted by Susanne Ault on January 31, 2008 | Comments (3)

February 1, 2008
In response to: HD DVD: Show Some Skin To Win
WHY?? commented:

Why do you want/need something to save HD-DVD?? You couldn't possibly have any amount of money tied up in it already. Do you just hate the blu??

February 1, 2008
In response to: HD DVD: Show Some Skin To Win
Ole Oleson commented:

There is nothing, nada, zilch, zero things HD DVD can do to win. It is over. The sooner you realize this, the faster we can stop replying to your inane articles.

February 4, 2008
In response to: HD DVD: Show Some Skin To Win
Elo Eloson commented:

Hd dvd is here to stay,its selling very well.Why-well hd dvd has no region limit and is more affordable. "It's unclear exact reasons for HD DVD's allure over the other guy, but I'll venture it might have something to do with relatively cheaper authoring costs."

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