IFC releases Che to theaters, VOD, DVD nearly simultaneously DEC. 19 | IFC Entertainment will seek the widest possible audience for Steven Soderbergh’s four-hour, Spanish-language Che Guevara biopic, Che (pictured), with a nearly simultaneous theatrical and video-on-demand run in January, prior to a DVD exclusive at Blockbuster.
Warner Music, one of the first media companies to strike a licensing deal with YouTube, has demanded that the Google-owned site pull down all videos from its artists and songwriters, in a move affecting millions of pieces of professional and user-generated content.
They have nothing to lose but their web cameras EVERY scholar of 20th-century history can tell you about the Communist International—usually called Comintern, and strictly speaking the third in a series of four global fraternities whose aim was to pursue the class struggle all over the world. Is it possible to imagine an Anarchist International, a trans-national version of the inchoate but impassioned demonstrations that have ravaged Greece this month? (Perhaps because it is easier to say what Greece's malcontents are against than what they are for, the word anarchist is an accepted catch-all term for the antiestablishment rebels who form the hard core of the Athenian protesters.)
(submitted by Suzanna de Baca on December 11, 2008)
With the holiday season upon us, I am hearing m...
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2008 Video Hall of Fame cocktail party The Video Hall of Fame cocktail party was held just before the gala event on Dec. 8 at the Beverly Hills Hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif. Photos by Lionel Cassini
Lisa Rinna gets Beautiful Lisa Rinna celebrated the DVD release of her Dance Body Beautiful fitness titles, Learn & Burn and Jive, Jump, Ballroom Bump, on Dec. 9 at Belle Gray in Sherman Oaks, Calif. The DVDs will be released on Dec. 16 from Warner.
Image retail conference Image held its first retail conference at the Beverly Hills Hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif., on Dec. 9. The supplier reported a record fiscal year. Photos by Amy Graves
MEDIA WONK Paul Sweeting, Media Wonk, ContentAgenda December 19, 2008 Three strikes and you're...what?
In my last post, I suggested that the RIAA had continued with its strategy of mass la... More
BLU STATE Susanne Ault, Senior Reporter, Video Business December 19, 2008 If Blu Could Look This Cool
LG has come up with a ridiculously cool design for a DVD player. You can ch... More
DISC DISH Susanne Ault, Senior Reporter, Video Business December 18, 2008 Will Faith-based Have Blu Passion?
Fox is releasing one of its most successful movies of all time, The Passion of the Ch... More
THE DOWN LOW Samantha Clark, Managing editor and online editor, Video Business November 26, 2008 Netflix on Xbox live
Netflix's streaming service is smooth and speedy through Xbox Live, but a good Intern... More
12/12/2008 OPINION: Standing out Paul Sweeting is editor of Content Agenda DEC. 12 | Recommendation engines have long been a feature of online retail sites, from Amazon.com to Netflix to iTunes. Yet for the most part, they’ve been regarded as a tool for customer retention and improving the user experience. Rarely have they been the focus of a competitive arms race themselves. More
12/15/2008 OPINION: 3D—a new dimension for home entertainment? Marie Bloomfield is an analyst with Screen Digest DEC. 15 | The early success of digital 3D in cinemas has encouraged Hollywood to ramp up 3D production, but a lack of standards for bringing 3D to the home means studios are missing out on potential revenue in the video and TV release windows. More
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